
2018年7月10日—iPhone6s-6s/6sPlus,3DTouch成就全新的交互方式,唯一的不同,是处处不同-6S备份shsh2打开网页显示Apnonce(Nottestedyet)是怎么回事关闭了 ...,Itried,butthatwon'twork.Ithastorequestthenonceinnormalmode,whichiswhatcausesittofreezeandpersistacrossreboots(itessentiallysetsa ...,2021年2月28日—I'veverifiedmyblobsarevalidbutwhenIattemptFRIkeepgettingthismessage.I'moniPhoneXRA12andI'vegonethrou...

6S备份shsh2 打开网页显示Apnonce (Not tested yet) 是怎么 ...

2018年7月10日 — iPhone 6s -6s/6s Plus ,3D Touch成就全新的交互方式,唯一的不同,是处处不同-6S备份shsh2 打开网页显示Apnonce (Not tested yet) 是怎么回事关闭了 ...

Consider adding a warning about apnonce for A12+ #247

I tried, but that won't work. It has to request the nonce in normal mode, which is what causes it to freeze and persist across reboots (it essentially sets a ...

Device ApNonce does not match APTicket nonce

2021年2月28日 — I've verified my blobs are valid but when I attempt FR I keep getting this message. I'm on iPhone XR A12 and I've gone through all the tutorials ...

Device APNonce does not match APTicket nonce

2022年9月20日 — I did, I made sure to set it in unc0ver and it still would throw the same error. I even tried with dimentio and got the following error:

[Help] Device ApNonce does not match APTicket nonce

2021年9月1日 — I'm trying to update from 14.1 to 14.2 on A12. My 14.2 blob doesn't have Generator but my newer blob has. I've tried setting nonce using ...

[Help] Where is my apnonce?

2020年9月20日 — I'm on an A13 device (iPhone 11 Pro Max) which means an APNonce is required. I tried 0x111... but that didn't work. I have a 2017 Macbook ...

[Question] ApNonce Generator not being set (or resetting ...

2021年3月5日 — I tried setting the generator through SSH and have it showing up when running nvram -p. When it loads into recovery mode, it still pulls the ...

[QUESTION] Do we keep the apnonce and generator if ...

2022年4月8日 — I think I tested that and it did not actually unfreeze, it just caused the apnonce to change one time. But the way I tested it might have ...

[Tutorial] Find your device ApNonce WITHOUT Jailbreak

2020年12月22日 — NOTE: Tested on iPhone 12 mini (A2399) iOS 14.2 (18B92). You will need to operate on Linux or macOS, Windows is NOT SUPPORTED.

透過懶人版網頁自動獲取iOS 12 SHSH2認證檔教學

Apnonce(Not tested yet):輸入底下Apnonce ,原本是需要手動三組都輸入,不過該 ... Apnonce,但是Apnonce無法轉成Generator。 過去都是透過沒有指定Apnonce情況下保存 ...